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Do you have a skin type? Skin type was created or rather invented in the 1900's by Helena Rubinstein.

Knowing your skin type can help with choosing the right ingredients and products.

Our eating habits, environmental factors, genetics, how much water we drink, skin conditions, sensitivity, allergy, age and several other factors affect our skin.

Keeping in mind that skin type can change even as we age. It reacts to what we expose them to and how we care for it.


  1. Apply a sunscreen that protects your skin from UVA and UVB rays

  2. Eat healthy and drink sufficient amounts of water everyday

  3. Have a good skin care routine with ingredients that are gentle, nourishing and good for your skin

  4. Keep your skin barrier moisturised

  5. Choose gentle products for your skin

  6. Avoid harsh ingredients in skincare

  7. Use products that are PH balanced. Oils do not need to be PH balanced. However, like any other product they need to be well formulated.

  8. Apply moisturisers and oils to rebalance your microbiome.

There are varying skin types such as:

  1. Normal (Eudermic) - well balanced with oil production, small pores, good texture

  2. Dry - tight, lacks moisture and needs a protective layer. Xerosis is excessively dry skin.

  3. Sensitive - can often be oily or dry, even permanent, it can also be reactive (itchy, red, irritated)

  4. Oily - the sebaceous glands produce more sebum. Oily skin may have visible pores and shiny skin. An over production of Sebum is called (Seborrhoea).

  5. Combination - often oily around the forehead, nose, and chin (also called T-zone) but lacking moisture around other areas of the face.

Many cosmetic companies are now taking into consideration lifestyles, genetics and skin structures and customising various skincare products.

Below are some other methods of skin and lifestyle systems that are used.


Ayurveda is a traditional Hindu system that originated in India about 3,000 years ago. In Sanskrit Ayur and Veda mean "Life" and "Knowledge" or "Knowledge of Life".

Ayurveda takes into consideration many factors:

  1. Physical Constitution

  2. Physical Characteristics

  3. Functional principles

  4. Elements

  5. Attributes

  6. Intellect and Feelings

  7. Philosophy

These and many more factors are taken into consideration by Ayurveda to help balance your lifestyle, genetics, skin, body, mind and soul.


The Baumann Skin Type classifies four categories related to:

1. Dehydration

2. Inflammation

3. Aging

4. Pigmentation

These are then broken down into 16 Baumann Skin Types.


Identification of pigmentation can be assessed by accredited Dermatologists. The Fitzpatrick Skin Type System assesses skin pigmentation to UVA exposure.

The Fitzpatrick Skin Type System was created in 1975 and then later re-done to include 6 skin types:

  1. Always burns, never tans

  2. Usually burns, tans minimally

  3. Sometimes mild burn, tans uniformly

  4. Burns minimally, always tans well

  5. Very rarely burns, tans very easily

  6. Never burns, tans darkly

To look after yourself is to look after your health, body, skin, mind and soul.

Categories and "skin type" alone may not always target concerns and there are many systems in the market place and in the skincare/cosmetic world that evaluate and address skin types and skin issues/concerns.

However, it is always important to love yourself, whatever skin you are in.

Use gentle products that are effective and keep your skin happy!


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